Available Free Agents
(Players in which the Nevada Dusters expressed interest are in bold)
Joe Adcock (1b), Bob Allison (rf), Felipe Alou (rf), George Altman (rf), Joey Amalfitano (2b), Ruben Amaro (ss), Luis Aparicio (ss), Richie Ashburn (cf), Ken Aspromonte (2b), Earl Averill (c), Earl Battey (c), Gus Bell (lf), Steve Bilko (1b), Don Blasingame (2b), Ed Bouchee (1b), Jackie Brandt (cf), Bill Bruton (cf), Johnny Callison (lf -- $5.1M/4 yrs.), Norm Cash (1b), Wayne Causey (3b), Orlando Cepeda (1b), Bob Cerv (lf), Wes Covington (rf), Jim Davenport (3b), Bobby Del Greco (cf), Don Demeter (cf), Chico Fernandez (ss), Curt Flood (cf), Tito Francona (lf), Gary Geiger (cf), Jim Gentile (1b), Dick Gernert (1b), Joe Ginsberg (c), Tony Gonzalez (cf), Billy Goodman (3b), Gene Green (c), Pumpsie Green (ss), Ron Hanson (ss), Carroll Hardy (cf), Woodie Held (ss), Gil Hodges (1b), Eddie Kasko (ss), Harmon Killebrew (1b), Jerry Kindall (2b), Willie Kirkland (rf), Joe Koppe (ss), Mike Krsnich (lf), Jim Landis(cf), Jim Lemon (lf), Dale Long (1b), Jerry Lumpe (2b), Jerry Lynch (lf), Bobby Malkmus (2b), Frank Malzone (3b), Felix Mantilla (ss), Roger Maris (rf -- $13.0M/5 yrs.), Jim Marshall (1b), Charlie Maxwell (lf), Willie Mays (cf), Willie McCovey (1b), Russ Nixon (c), Danny O'Connell (3b), Bob Osborne (1b), Albie Pearson (rf -- $4.2M/3yrs), Bubba Phillips (3b), Jim Piersall (cf), Vada Pinson (cf), Wally Post (lf), Mel Roach (1b), Brooks Robinson (3b), Andre Rodgers (1b), Johnny Romano (c), Johnny Roseboro (c), Pete Runnels(1b), Ron Santo (3b), Norm Siebern (1b), Bob Skinner (lf), Al Smith (3b), Dick Stuart (1b), Tony Taylor (2b), Marv Throneberry (1b), Bill Tuttle (3b), Leon Wagner (lf), Marty Walker (3b), Bill White (1b), Sammy White (c), Maury Wills (ss -- $5.3M/4yrs), Gene Woodling (rf), Eddie Yost (3b), Don Zimmer (3b)
Don Cardwell (sp), Dick Donovan (sp), Moe Drabowsky (rp), Dick Drott (sp), Don Elston (rp), Joe Gibbon (sp), Bob Gibson (sp), Mudcat Grant (sp -- $5.7M/3 yrs.), Glen Hobbie (sp), Clem Labine (rp), Don Lee (rp), Jim Maloney (sp), Juan Marichal (sp), Joe McClain (sp), Bob Miller (rp), Bill Monbouquette (sp), Joe Nuxhall (sp), Jim O'Toole (sp -- $6.0M/3 yrs.), Jim Owens (sp), Milt Pappas (sp), Jim Perry (sp), Bobby Shantz (sp), Bob Shaw (sp), Larry Sherry (rp), Warren Spahn (sp), Frank Sullivan (sp), Ralph Terry (sp), Jim Umbricht (rp), Danny Wiggam (sp), Early Wynn (sp).
CHW signed Willie Kirkland (rf), formerly with the Indians, for $4,400,000/2 yrs.
PIT signed Gene Woodling (rf), formerly with the Senators, for $1,050,000/1 yr.
CLE signed Lenny Green (cf), formerly with the Tigers, for $4,400,000/2 yrs.
BAL signed Norm Siebern (1b), formerly with the Athletics, for $3,450,000/1 yr.
WSA signed Ruben Amaro (ss), formerly with the Phillies, for $2,700,000/1 yr.
WSA signed Al Smith (3b), formerly with the White Sox, for $4,600,000/1 yr.
BAL signed Johnny Callison (lf), formerly with the Phillies, for $3,350,000/1 yr.
BAL signed Don Zimmer (2b), formerly with the Mets, for $2,700,000/1 yr.
CHC signed Eddie Kasko (ss), formerly with the Reds, for $2,950,000/1 yr.
DET signed Jim Piersall (cf), formerly with the Senators, for $3,300,000/1 yr.
NYY signed Bob Cerv (lf), formerly with the Tigers, for $1,600,000/1 yr.
BAL signed Bobby Del Greco (lf), formerly with the Athletics, for $1,350,000/1 yr.
SFG signed Tony Gonzalez (cf), formerly with the Phillies, for $4,200,000/1 yr.
BAL signed Ken Aspromonte (2b), formerly with the Indians, for $2,300,000/1 yr.
NYY signed Carroll Hardy (cf), formerly with the Red Sox, for $1,450,000/1 yr.
NYY signed Tito Francona (lf), formerly with the Indians, for $3,500,000/1 yr.
SFG signed Chico Fernandez (ss), formerly with the Tigers, for $1,450,000/1 yr.
CLE signed Joey Amalfitano (2b), formerly with the Colt .45's, for $1,900,000/1 yr.
WSA signed Ron Hansen (ss), formerly with the Orioles, for $3,000,000/1 yr.
BAL signed Jerry Kindall (2b), formerly with the Cubs, for $1,750,000/1 yr.
BAL signed Bobby Malkmus (2b), formerly with the Phillies, for $1,500,000/1 yr.
LAA signed Pumpsie Green (ss), formerly with the Red Sox, for $2,700,000/1 yr.
NYY signed Bob Miller (p), formerly with the Cardinals, for $2,800,000/1 yr.
LAA signed Danny O'Connell (3b), formerly with the Senators, for $520,000/1 yr.
Complete List of Offseason Transactions
WSA signed Norm Cash (1b), Dick Stuart (1b), Ruben Amaro (ss), Al Smith (3b), Ron Hansen (ss)
SFG signed Orlando Cepeda (1b), Ralph Terry (sp), Roger Maris (rf), Luis Aparicio (1b), Dick Drott (sp), Don Buddin (ss), Tony Gonzalez (cf), Chico Fernandez (ss)
MIN signed Jim Gentile (1b), Mudcat Grant (sp), Don Cardwell (sp), Steve Bilko (1b), Joe Nuxhall (sp)
NYY signed Juan Marichal (sp), Frank Sullivan (sp), Bob Cerv (lf), Carroll Hardy (cf), Tito Francona (lf), Bob Miller (rp)
DET signed Jim Perry (sp), Bob Shaw (sp), Jim Landis (cf), Jim Piersall (cf)
LAA signed Warren Spahn (sp), Larry Sherry (rp), Dick Donovan (sp), Don Lee (rp), Moe Drabowsky (rp), Pumpsie Green (ss), Danny O'Connell (3b)
CLE signed Don Elston (rp), Bill Bruton (cf), Lenny Green (cf), Joey Amalfitano (2b)
BOS signed Russ Nixon (c), Jim Marshall (1b), Marv Throneberry (1b), Mel Roach (1b), Sammy White (c), Joe Ginsberg (c), Dick Gernert (1b), Pete Runnels (1b), Ed Bouchee (1b), Gene Green (c), Bill White (1b), Wes Covington (rf), Gil Hodges (1b), Johnny Romano (c), Jerry Lumpe (2b), Felipe Alou (rf), Gus Bell (lf)
STL signed Jim Maloney (sp), Jim Lemon (lf), Willie McCovey (1b), Bobb Shantz (rp),
CHC signed Brooks Robinson (3b), Jim Umbricht (rp), Jim Owens (sp), Johnny Roseboro (c), Bill Tuttle (3b), Clem Labine (rp), Gary Geiger (cf), Wayne Causey (3b), Don Demeter (cf), Billy Goodman (3b), Earl Averill (c), Eddie Kasko (ss)
PIT signed Bubba Morton (of), Gene Woodling (rf)
PHI signed Jackie Brandt (cf), Bob Skinner (lf), Wally Post (lf), Jerry Lynch (lf), Leon Wagner (lf), Joe Adcock (1b), Bob Allison (rf),
BAL signed Vada Pinson (cf), Don Blasingame (2b), Joe McClain (sp), Norm Siebern (1b), Johnny Callison (rf), Don Zimmer (2b), Bobby Del Greco (lf), Jerry Kindall (2b), Bobby Malkmus (2b)
CHW signed Willie Kirland (rf)
A Tougher NL in '63
Al Childress, Las Vegas Sun
Nobody said it was going to be easy for the Nevada Dusters to repeat as National League champions in 1963. Some of the other clubs have made substantial improvements in their pitching staff and hitting corps, all with the aim of making sure the Dusters don't repeat.
The Chicago picked up catcher Johnny Roseboro (.279/12/40 in '62). formerly a Dodger, and perennial Gold Glove third baseman Brooks Robinson, a long-time Oriole who became eligible for free agency at the end of last season. Robinson hit 20 homers last year, and joins a lineup that includes Hank Aaron, Ernie Banks and Lou Brock. Chicago's pitching, though, remains suspect.
The Minnesota Twins improved their starting rotation considerably with the acquisitions of Joe Gibbon, who was 12-6 with a .258 ERA for the Pirates last year, and Don Cardwell, who was 15-14 with a 3.18 ERA with the Cubs in 1962.
The Philadelphia Phillies should have a much more potent lineup this season with the additions of sluggers Jackie Brandt, who hit 29 roundtrippers with the Orioles last year and Bob Allison, who clubbed 16 dingers with the Twins in '62. Look for starting pitcher Steve Barber, who was 6-1 with a 2.36 ERA after the Dusters traded him to Philadelphia last season, to have a very good year.
The Giants may have the best rotation in the league, as they've added former Yankee hurler Ralph Terry (19-7, 2.97 ERA) as well as Jim O'Toole, who finished last year 13-13, 3.57 with the Reds last year, to a staff that already consists of Gaylord Perry and Billy Pierce. The Dusters know all about Terry -- he gave them plenty of trouble in last year's Fall Classic. San Francisco also signed outfielders Roger Maris and Tony Gonzalez, who hit .303/42/109 and .318/13/62 respectively in different uniforms last season.
The St. Louis Cardinals picked up slugging first baseman Willie McCovey, who was with the Giants last year while Stan Musial, whom everyone thought would be retiring after last season, is back for one more campaign.
The Dusters paid careful attention to this season's free agent market, and were interested in several players, pitcher Jim O'Toole, outfielder Johnny Callison, and even Roger Maris. But Conn Hudson explained that financial considerations limited what the club could do. The Dusters did, however, make one key acquisition -- shortstop Maury Wills, who stole 85 bases and hit .270 last season with the Dodgers. Sources tell me that the Dusters were also very close to cutting a deal with pitcher Mudcat Grant, but so far have not done so.
Willie McCovey will be swinging the bat for the Redbirds this year
Spring Training Report
The word from the Nevada Dusters' spring training facility at Palm Coast, Florida was that the coaches were very pleased with the results. Tony Cloninger and Jim Bouton were the stars of the pitching staff, with Cloninger finishing 3-0 with a 3.57 ERA, three complete games and a .214 BAA. Jim Bouton was also 3-0 with a 1.50 ERA and a 1.88 BAA, giving the organization confidence that he was the right choice to fill the empty slot in the starting rotation caused by the departure of Bob Shaw.

As for the other pitchers, reliever Jim Brewer's capabilities as a starter were tested in three starts; Brewer went 1-0 with an impressive 1.64 ERA in 22 innings. Pete Richert (3-0, 3.24 ERA during spring training) and Dave McNally (3-0, 1.42 ERA during spring training) looked sharp, while closer Bill Dailey and reliever Jim Roland struggled. Richert took time out to teach AA reliever Larry Maxie the two-seam fastball, while Jim Bouton helped Dick Kelley, also from AA Salt Lake City, develop a curve to compliment his fastball and change-up. "We're not competing against each other," explained Richert. "We're all on the same team. And we can all learn from each other."

According to hitting coach Walt "Moose" Moryn, Billy Williams had a torrid spring training. "He's been hitting the hide off the ball every time he comes up to the plate," said Moryn. Williams, who last season led the Dusters in triples (10), doubles (41), hits (177), runs (97), RBI (110), on-base percentage (.396) and slugging (.593), and who had been named the team's 1962 MVP, finished at Palm Coast with 6 home runs, 20 RBI and a .468 batting average. Backstop Cam Carreon also excelled, along with Jerry Adair and Maury Wills, the anticipated middle infield duo on Opening Day. Wills stole eight bases in fifteen games and batted .333 with a homer and 12 RBI. Vic Power, Tom Tresh and Lee Maye, however, struggled at the plate.
In other news, Cy Young Award winner Bob Shaw, who was the ace of the Nevada starting rotation in 1962 with a 23-3 record, was signed by the Detroit Tigers to a three year, $12.5 million deal.
Jerry Adair (2b) -- 17g, 63ab, 20h, 13r, 13rbi, 1hr, 6bb, 8k, 0sb, .317/.386/.444
Johnny Blanchard (c) -- 15g, 57ab, 15h, 10r, 14rbi, 3hr, 6bb, 4k, 0sb, .263/.333/.456
Clete Boyer (3b) -- 21g, 82ab, 24h, 19r, 18rbi, 3hr, 9bb, 11k, 0sb, .293/.370/.427
Cam Carreon (c) -- 8g, 33ab, 12h, 8r, 5rbi, 1hr, 4bb, 1k, 0sb, .364/.432/.485
Gordy Coleman (1b) -- 9g, 36ab, 10h, 9r, 9rbi, 3hr, 5bb, 3k, 0sb, .278/.381/.556
Ken Hubbs (2b) -- 6g, 22ab, 6h, 2r, 2rbi, 0hr, 2bb, 3k, 0sb, .273/.333/.364
Lou Johnson (lf) 6g, 25ab, 5h, 2r, 4rbi, 1hr, 1bb, 3k, 2sb, .200/.231/.440
Hector Lopez (lf) -- 8g, 34ab, 8h, 6r, 3rbi, 0hr, 1bb, 5k, 0sb, .235/.257/.265
Lee Maye (cf) -- 21g, 85ab, 19h, 11r, 15rbi, 3hr, 11bb, 5k, 2sb, .224/.313/.412
Vic Power (1b) -- 14g, 57ab, 10h, 9r, 9rbi, 1hr, 3bb, 3k, 1sb, .175/.217/.316
Johnny Schaive (if) -- 9g, 33ab, 6h, 3r, 2rbi, 0hr, 3bb, 4k, 0sb, .182/.270/.242
Tom Tresh (of) -- 8g, 32ab, 6h, 4r, 4rbi, 0hr, 4bb, 5k, 0sb, .188/.278/.219
Billy Williams (rf) -- 16g, 62ab, 29h, 19r, 20rbi, 6hr, 12bb, 6k, 0sb, .468/.554/.952
Maury Wills (ss) -- 15g, 60ab, 20h, 13r, 12rbi, 1hr, 6bb, 4k, 8sb, .333/.394/.450
Donn Clendenon (1b) -- 8g, 36ab, 10h, 5r, 6rbi, 2hr, 3bb, 5k, 0sb, .278/.394/.534
Tony Oliva (rf) -- 16g, 66ab, 21h, 17r, 15rbi, 2hr, 5bb, 5k, 0sb, .318/.366/.455
Mack Jones (cf) -- 23g, 97ab, 18h, 13r, 16rbi, 1hr, 10bb, 18k, 4sb, .186/.282/.268
Denis Menke (ss) -- 23g, 81ab, 24h, 20r, 16rbi, 1hr, 17bb, 13k, 0sb, .296/.414/.370
Cookie Rojas (2b) -- 23g, 89ab, 28h, 12r, 16rbi, 0hr, 6bb, 9k, 4sb, .315/.358/.371
Wes Parker (1b) -- 23g, 86ab, 30h, 19r, 11rbi, 3hr, 14bb, 14k, 1sb, .349/.436/.570
Walt Hriniak (c) -- 19g, 68ab, 22h, 12r, 15rbi, 0hr, 8bb, 9k, 0sb, .324/.390/.338
George Banks (3b) -- 20g, 74ab, 21h, 17r, 14rbi,2hr, 10bb, 13k, 0sb, .284/.369/.446
Gene Alley (ss) -- 22g, 79ab, 24h, 16r, 12rbi, 1hr, 9bb, 9k, 1sb, .304/.382/..418
Jose Cardenal (cf) -- 22g, 88ab, 26h, 21r, 17rbi, 5hr, 10bb, 8k, 4sb, .295/.367/.500
Tommie Aaron (1b) -- 17g, 66ab, 17h, 8r, 9rbi, 0hr, 5bb, 7k, 0sb, .258/.310/.333
Jesus Alou (rf) -- 22g, 84ab, 30h, 17r, 18rbi, 1hr, 6bb, 4k, 2sb, .357/.400/.464
Danny Cater (1b) -- 5g, 18ab, 7h, 3r, 4rbi, 0hr, 2bb, 1k, 0sb, .389/.429/.556
Jerry Grote (c) -- 22g, 80ab, 25h, 17r, 13rbi, 1hr, 11bb, 8k, 0sb, .313/.402/.388
Bob Bailey (3b) -- 21g, 80ab, 26h, 19r, 21rbi, 5hr, 11bb, 10k, 1sb, .325/.407/.550
Tony Perez (1b) -- 6g, 24ab, 7h, 6r, 6rbi, 0hr, 3bb, 3k, 0sb, .292/.357/.292
Roger Repoz (cf) -- 21g, 77ab, 20h, 18r, 19rbi, 4hr, 11bb, 15k, 1sb, .260/.348/.468
Sandy Alomar (1b) -- 16g, 61ab, 14h, 10r, 7rbi, 0hr, 3bb, 7k, 3sb, .230/.273/..262
Randy Hundley (c) -- 21g, 74ab, 17h, 15r, 8rbi, 1hr, 10bb, 11k, 0sb, .230/.326/.311
Ollie Brown (rf) -- 21g, 76ab, 13h, 6r, 10rbi, 1hr, 8bb, 12k, 2sb, .171./259/.224
Tito Fuentes (2b) -- 6g, 22ab, 8h, 4r, 4rbi,0hr, 0bb, 1k, 1sb, .364/.364/.364
Joe Horlen (sp) -- 4g, 4gs, 1W, 1L, 4.15era, 26.0ip, 13r, 12er, 26h, 4hr, 9bb, 14k, .263baa
Dave McNally (sp) -- 4g, 4gs, 3W, 0L, 1.42era, 25.1ip, 5r, 4er, 20h, 0hr, 4bb, 13k, .217baa
Tony Cloninger (sp) -- 5g, 5gs, 4W, 1L, 3.21era, 28.0ip, 12r, 10er, 24h, 0hr, 14bb, 9k, .226baa
Jim Bouton (sp) -- 5g, 1gs, 1W, 0L, 2.95era, 21.1ip, 11r, 7er, 25h, 2hr, 4bb, 10k, .291baa
Pete Richert (sp) -- 5g, 4gs, 3W, 0L, 3.24era, 25.0ip, 12r, 9er, 24h, 2hr, 15bb, 16k, .245baa
Bill Dailey (rp) -- 8g, 0gs, 0W, 0L, 5.40era, 15.0ip, 12r, 9er, 24h, 1hr, 3bb, 9k, .358baa
Claude Raymond (rp) -- 5g, 0gs, 0W, 0L, 2.13era, 12.2ip, 3r, 3er, 7h, 1hr, 2bb, 8k, .159baa, 3sv
Jim Brewer (rp) -- 6g, 3gs, 1W, 0L, 1.64era, 22.0ip, 5r, 4er, 14h, 0hr, 8bb, 15k, .175baa
Barney Schultz (rp) -- 7g, 0gs, 1W, 0L, 2.93era, 15.1ip, 9r, 5er, 17h, 1hr, 9bb, 10k, .274baa, 1sv
Bob Duliba (rp) -- 8g, 1gs, 0W, 0L, 5.52era, 14.2ip, 10r, 9er, 22h, 1hr, 3bb, 10k, .338baa, 1sv
Jim Roland (rp) -- 5g, 1gs, 0W, 0L, 6.52era, 9.2ip, 9r, 7er, 10h, 2hr, 7bb, 6k, .256baa
Phil Niekro (sp) -- 4g, 4gs, 1W, 1L, 3.33era, 27.0ip, 13r, 10er, 26h, 3hr, 5bb, 15k, .250baa
Ron Herbel (rp) -- 6g, 1gs, 2W, 0L, 3.12era, 17.1ip, 11r, 6er, 19h, 1hr, 10bb, 5k, .268baa
Ray Culp (sp) -- 5g, 5gs, 0W, 0L, 3.10era, 29.0ip, 13r, 10er, 26h, 3hr, 10bb, 17k, .239baa
Hank Fischer (rp) -- 5g, 4gs, 1W, 2L, 3.66era, 19.2ip, 11r, 8er, 24h, 2hr, 3bb, 10k, .296baa
Dick Kelley (rp) -- 4g, 1gs, 1W, 1L, 2.70era, 13.1ip, 6r, 4er, 16h, 1hr, 2bb, 4k, .286baa
Clay Carroll (rp) -- 6g, 1gs, 1W, 1L, 1.47era, 18.1ip, 3r, 3er, 9h, 1hr, 4bb, 8k, .150baa
Larry Maxie (rp) -- 8g, 1gs, 0W, 0L, 1.71era, 21.0ip, 9r, 4er, 11h, 2hr, 8bb, 6k, .155baa, 1sv
Cecil Butler (rp) -- 7g, 1gs, 1W, 3L, 8.79era, 14.1ip, 17r, 14er, 25h, 4hr, 9bb, 7k, .385baa
Herb Hippauf (rp) -- 9g, 0gs, 0W, 0L, 1.73era, 26.0ip, 6r, 5er, 16h, 2hr, 5bb, 7k, .178baa, 1sv
Wade Blasingame (sp) -- 4g, 1gs, 3W, 0L, 1.89era, 19.0ip, 5r, 4er, 16h, 0hr, 4bb, 8k, .222baa
Bruce Howard (sp) -- 4g, 3gs, 1W, 0L, 2.95era, 18.1ip, 6r, 6er, 10h, 1hr, 9bb, 14k, .156baa
Marcelino Lopez (sp) -- 3g, 1gs, 0W, 0L, 2.70era, 13.1ip, 5r, 4er, 10h, 1hr, 4bb, 6k, .200baa
Tug McGraw (rp) -- 8g, 1gs, 0W, 0L, 2.25era, 20.0ip, 6r, 5er, 13h, 2hr, 10bb, 13k, .178baa, 1sv
Larry Jaster (sp) -- 5g, 5gs, 3W, 0L, 3.08era, 26.1ip, 10r, 9er, 17h, 2hr, 12bb, 8k, .185baa
Wayne Granger (rp) -- 5g, 1gs, 0W, 2L, 2.53era, 10.2ip, 5r, 3er, 10h, 2hr, 3bb, 5k, .238baa
Rob Gardner (rp) -- 5g, 2gs, 1W, 1L, 4.42era, 18.1ip, 11r, 9er, 23h, 4hr, 2bb, 8k, .303baa
Dave McNally -- improved curve
Tony Cloninger -- improved curve
Jim Bouton -- improved fastball
Bill Dailey -- improved slow curve
Jim Brewer -- improved screwball
Ron Herbel -- improved curve
Dick Kelley -- learned curve
Larry Maxie -- learned two-seamer
Wade Blasingame -- improved fastball
Marcelino Lopez -- improved drop curve